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English translation for "mettre fin à sa vie"

v. commit suicide, take one's own life, put an end to his life
Example Sentences:
1.He searches for her in vain and then, mad with grief, decides to end his life.
Il la cherche en vain et ensuite, fâché de chagrin, décide de mettre fin à sa vie.
2.However, these inclinations were not the deciding factor for the termination of his studies, but rather the fact that a love affair of his became known.
Cependant, ce ne furent pas ces inclinations qui se révélèrent décisives pour mettre fin à sa vie étudiante, mais le fait qu’on lui connut une liaison amoureuse.
3.In 1785 however, Seymour married Lady Anne Horatia Waldegrave, daughter of Earl Waldegrave and Maria Walpole (later Duchess of Gloucester) at the insistence of his family in a successful attempt to curtail his social activities.
En 1785, cependant, Seymour épouse Lady Anne Horatia Waldegrave, fille de James Waldegrave (2e comte Waldegrave) (en) et Maria Walpole (plus tard duchesse de Gloucester) sur l'insistance de sa famille, pour mettre fin à sa vie dissolue.
4.I must make a special mention today of the charter of fundamental rights and the universal declaration of human rights , and make a heartfelt mention of a basque journalist , mr landaburu , who unfortunately , like some of his colleagues , was the object of an attack by terrorists who wanted to end his life and therefore prevent him from freely expressing his ideas.
je me dois aujourd' hui de mentionner tout particulièrement la charte des droits fondamentaux et la déclaration universelle des droits de l' homme et d' avoir une pensée émue pour un journaliste basque , m. landaburu , qui malheureusement , comme d' autres confrères avant lui , a été l' objet d' un attentat commis par des terroristes qui cherchaient à mettre fin à sa vie et , par conséquent , à l' empêcher d' exprimer librement ses idées.
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